Without further ado - it's my pleasure to present - The Preservatory Cookbook - Seasonally Inspired Recipes for Creating and Cooking with Artisanal Preserves!!
Tomorrow's the day! April 25th - The Preservatory Cookbook release...available across North America - I'm thinking of sitting at Chapter's and stalking the cookbook section, that's weird right?
I can not wait to hear what everyone thinks of the book, and at the same time I'm dreading hearing the reviews! It's so beautiful, and I'm so very proud of the result...yet, it feels almost too personal now to have it out there for public consumption. I'm also a bit jet-lagged and fighting off a cold - so maybe that's the weird feeling I've been having all day!
Regardless - ready or not we're about to launch!
We're hosting a Launch Party here at the farm on Sunday - April 30th from 3pm in the old Dairy Barn - tickets include a copy of the book, a jar of The Preservatory preserves and of course nibbles and sips from the cookbook! I sincerely hope you'll come join us to celebrate!